DIY Plumbing Fixes vs. When to Call a Pro: Offering advice on which plumbing issues can be solved at home and when to call a professional.

In plumbing, knowing when to roll up your sleeves for a DIY fix and when to pick up the phone and call a professional can make all the difference.

In this article, we will guide you through the intricacies of handling common plumbing issues on your own and when it's prudent to seek the expertise of a professional plumber. From clogged drains to overflowing toilets, we'll help you make the right call for your plumbing needs.

When to do DIY Plumbing Fixes Yourself at Home?

While some plumbing problems require immediate professional assistance, there are situations where you can take matters into your own hands. You can do DIY plumbing for these minor plumbing issues at home:

I. Clogged Drain

One annoyance that may ruin your day is a clogged drain. It's critical to understand when to seek professional assistance and when to handle things on your own.

  • Identifying the Issue

A slow-draining bathtub or sink could indicate a possible blockage. First, clear the drain of any visible material to gauge the extent of the clog.

  • DIY Approach

You can use a drain snake or plunger to clear small obstructions. These tools can be effective in breaking up and removing obstacles. Be sure to use them correctly to avoid any damage.

II. Installing a New Showerhead

Upgrading your showerhead can enhance your bathroom experience, and it's a DIY project that many homeowners can tackle.

  • Choosing the Right Showerhead

Select a showerhead that meets your preferences and fits your bathroom decor. You can find various styles and features to enhance your shower experience.

  • DIY Approach

Replacing a showerhead is a straightforward process. Turn off the water supply, remove the old showerhead, and install the new one according to the manufacturer's instructions. It usually requires minimal tools and can be completed in no time.

III. Overflowing Toilet

It might be unpleasant to deal with an overflowing toilet, but there are things you can do before contacting a plumber.

  • Immediate Actions

When your toilet starts overflowing, the first step is to turn off the water supply. Locate the shut-off valve near the toilet's basebathroom and turn it clockwise to stop the water flow.

  • DIY Approach

Once the water flow is controlled, you can often resolve the issue using a plunger. Place it over the drain and apply firm, even pressure, to create a seal. Then, push and pull to dislodge the blockage. After that, flush the toilet to ensure the problem is resolved.

The Advantages of DIY Plumbing

Now that we've discussed when you can handle plumbing issues yourself let's explore the benefits of DIY plumbing:

  • Cost Savings

One of the most significant advantages is cost savings. DIY plumbing repairs can save you money on labor and service fees, especially for minor issues like clogged drains or simple installations.

  • Increased Self-Sufficiency

Taking on plumbing tasks yourself can increase your self-sufficiency as a homeowner. You'll acquire valuable abilities and information that will come in helpful for upkeep in the future.

  • Timely Response

In some cases, you can address plumbing problems immediately, preventing further damage and inconvenience, instead of waiting for a professional appointment.

When to Call a Professional Plumber for Your Plumbing Issues?

However, there are specific situations when it's imperative to call a professional plumber for assistance. In this article, we will discuss five common scenarios where hiring a professional plumber is essential, as well as the numerous advantages of making that call.

  • Leaking Pipes

A significant source of headaches for homeowners can be leaky pipes. Over time, even a tiny leak can cause substantial water damage.

If you notice water pooling, dampness, or discolored spots on your walls or ceilings, it's time to call a professional plumber. They are qualified to identify the leak's origin and offer a long-term fix.

  • Strange Smell

Unpleasant odors in your plumbing can indicate underlying issues. If you detect a foul or sewer-like smell, it may indicate a blocked or damaged sewer line. 

An expert plumber can evaluate the problem and make recommendations for the necessary repairs to get rid of the smell and stop additional damage.

  • Frozen Pipes

In cold climates, frozen pipes are a common concern during winter. Attempting to thaw pipes on your own can lead to costly mistakes. 

Expert plumbers can safely defrost frozen pipes and stop possible pipe bursts, sparing you expensive repairs and significant damage. They have the necessary equipment and expertise.

  • Renovations

Home renovations often involve plumbing changes or updates. Whether you're remodeling a bathroom or kitchen, it's wise to consult a professional plumber. They can ensure that all plumbing fixtures and connections are installed correctly, meeting building codes and preventing future problems.

  • Renewing Appliances

When replacing old plumbing appliances such as water heaters, water softeners, or boilers, it's essential to hire a professional plumber. They will ensure the new devices are correctly installed, saving you from leaks, inefficiencies, and even safety hazards.

Advantages of Calling a Professional Plumber

You can get these advantages by calling a professional plumber for your home repairings:

  • Protect Your Property and Possessions

Professional plumbers can swiftly address plumbing issues, preventing water damage that can harm your property and belongings. Their expertise minimizes the risk of costly repairs or replacements.

  • Permanent Plumbing Solutions

Professional plumbers don't just provide quick fixes; they offer lasting solutions. Their work is backed by experience and knowledge, ensuring the problem won't reoccur soon.

  • Save Your Money and Time

Attempting DIY plumbing repairs can lead to costly mistakes and prolonged downtime. By stopping additional damage and saving time by finding a speedy solution, hiring a professional plumber can help you save money and time.

  • Right Diagnosis

Professional plumbers have the skills to accurately diagnose plumbing problems, which is crucial for effective repairs. Their expertise helps avoid unnecessary expenses and ensures that the issue is addressed correctly the first time.

  • Usage of Correct Appliances

When installing or replacing plumbing appliances, professional plumbers can recommend and use the right equipment and fixtures. It ensures optimal functionality, efficiency, and longevity of your plumbing systems.


While DIY plumbing can empower you as a homeowner and offer immediate solutions for minor issues, there are moments when the wisdom of professionals becomes invaluable. Some major plumbing issues warrant the expertise of a skilled plumber. Remember that calling a professional not only safeguards your property and possessions but also guarantees permanent solutions, saving you both money and time in the long run. So, whether it's a wrench in your hand or the phone to your ear, knowing when to use each is the key to a well-maintained and hassle-free plumbing system.